All posts by Christopher Sirrs

New open access article by John Manton and Martin Gorsky, “Health Planning in 1960s Africa: International Health Organisations and the Post-Colonial State.”

The Health Systems team is pleased to announce its latest publication.

This article explores the programme of national health planning carried out in the 1960s in West and Central Africa by the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Health plans were…

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Witness seminar transcript now available: Health Policy-making in an Era of Reform: New Zealand’s Health System in the 1980s

28 February 2018, University of Auckland, New Zealand

The era of economic reform in the 1980s was also a pivotal moment in the history of New Zealand’s health system. There was a growing sense of the need for change, rethinking and policy innovation.  By 1980, 50 per cent of…

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New publication: “The Rise and Fall of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ as a Goal of International Health Politics, 1925–1952”

We are pleased to announce an upcoming article by Gorsky and Sirrs in the American Journal of Public Health.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 have restored universal health coverage (UHC) to prominence in the international health agenda. Can understanding the past illuminate the prospects for UHC in the…

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Event: Health policy making in an era of reform: The New Zealand health system in the 1980s (University of Auckland)

Date: 28 February 2018, 1–6pm

Location: Federation of Graduate Women Suite, Old Government House, University of Aukland, New Zealand


The era of economic reform in the 1980s was also a pivotal moment in the history of New Zealand’s health system. There was a growing sense of the…

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Health systems visit to Nigeria

By John Manton

Two of our team, Martin Gorsky and John Manton visited Ibadan in Nigeria for ten days in October, where we were hosted at the University of Ibadan by IFRA-Nigeria. The visit added new archival and investigative strands to the Health Systems in History project, enabling us…

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Report: Entwined Health System Histories: New Zealand and Britain Since 1938

By Hayley Brown

On Tuesday 24 October 2017 the Centre for History in Public Health (LSHTM) and the University of Auckland, with sponsorship from NZ-UK Link and the Wellcome Trust held a Symposium at New Zealand House in London entitled, “Entwined Health System Histories: New Zealand and Britain Since…

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Martin Gorsky and John Manton in Nigeria

As reported previously, Martin Gorsky and John Manton have recently been hosted by the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, where they gave lectures on the history of health planning in WHO, and research methods in the history of medicine, respectively.

The French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA) at the…

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A century of international health systems metrics

Source: Martin Gorsky & Christopher Sirrs, "World health by place: the politics of international health system metrics, 1924–c. 2010", Journal of Global History (2017), 12, 361–385, 370.

The Journal of Global History this November features an article by Martin Gorsky and Christopher Sirrs on the history of international health systems metrics. The article draws on an exhaustive survey of the published statistical series of several international organisations, including the League of Nations Health Organisation (LNHO), WHO, OECD…

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John Manton on Research Methods in Medical History

The “Health Systems in History” project team is very fortunate in that their research takes them to some fascinating places around the world. This week, Martin Gorsky and John Manton have been kindly hosted by the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, where they have lectured on research methods, and the history…

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From “Planning” to “Systems Analysis”: Health Services and Development at the World Health Organization, 1952–1975

On Tuesday, 17 October, Prof. Martin Gorsky (Centre for History in Public Health, LSHTM) will be presenting his latest research on health planning and systems analysis in the World Health Organization (WHO) at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. The lecture is kindly hosted by the History Department of the…

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